Saturday, July 30, 2011

Looking for the Perfect Table

I have always wanted a farmhouse table.
I have seen many over the years 
but they have all been expensive and if I did find one
that was more reasonable I did not like it as well 
as the more expensive ones.

I am now on the hunt! 
I may even be making one, Ha! that makes me 
Laugh saying it out loud....
This one is really cute but I want chunkier legs and
more of an overhang at the ends,
Oh these legs are Fabulous.
But again need more of an overhang.
I love this one because I will be using the table outside
and this one looks rustic.

These two would be great because of the metal legs.
Oh now I think I must have metal legs! 

Uh Oh and now maybe I need a zinc top!???

Does this happen to you when you are looking for 
just the perfect "thing"?
Well it is fun looking and now with Google images 
the selection can be mind boggling. 
I know I will find or be able to create just the perfect piece for 
the patio..........I just don't know when.
But I know I will have fun looking.

This last picture is not exactly what I want but 
it is the exact feeling I want.
Don't you just want to sit and have some 
yummy food with family and friends at this table?
I know I do..........


  1. I just don't get blogging, I signed up to be a follower on your blog, but do not get the updates automatically-- oh well I will just keeping checking your fabulous blog the old fashioned way. Love all these tables--fabulous!! Good luck on your hunt.

  2. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas -- I've been searching for a farmhouse table and you've helped me narrow down my idea of what I want (besides something the kids can lean on without breaking it!)
